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EDG Worlds Skins: Release Date, Champions & Price

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EDG Worlds Skins: Release Date, Champions & Price

Although we won’t witness EDG at MSI, the 2021 League of Legends World Champions, we can still revel in the excitement of their incredible upcoming skins.EDG Worlds Skins: Release Date, Champions & Price | EarlyGame


Riot has officially released the splash art for the skins, shortly after it was leaked. While most champions were anticipated by players and their friends, it is unfortunate that there is no Lulu skin. However, considering how adorable it looks, we are willing to forgive Riot.

Which champions did EDG select for their skins and what theme did they adopt? In 2019, FPX appeared to embrace the Power Rangers theme. However, this year, EDG has chosen a knightly anime theme and we are absolutely loving it.

Which Champions Will Get EDG Worlds Skins?

Due to EDG’s 5-man roster instead of a 6-man roster, five champions have been honored with World Championship skins. The players were given the freedom to select any champion they had used during the tournament, and here are the champions they opted for:

Champion Skin Player Position
EDG Graves Flandre Top Lane
EDG Viego JieJie Jungle
EDG Zoe Scout Mid Lane
EDG Aphelios Viper Bot Lane
EDG Yuumi Meiko Support

Flandre’s preference for Graves is evident as he played more games with Graves than any other champion combined, making the choice of Graves for his skin quite logical.

Here’s a rewritten version: <br>Another interesting tidbit about the EDG skins is that Meiko personally requested Riot to design Yuumi to resemble his own pet cat, Raccoon. It’s quite amusing to note that when you compare the two feline companions, the resemblance between them is striking. What adds to the amusement is the fact that Meiko named his cat Raccoon, while Nuguri also made a similar request for his 2020 World Champion Kennen skin to have a raccoon theme. It seems like raccoons are becoming the lucky charm at every World Championship, don’t you think?

How Much Will the EDG Worlds Skins Cost?

The upcoming 2021 World Championship EDG skins will be priced at 1350 RP. These exclusive and epic skins will be considered as legacy items and will be placed in the vault until the next League of Legends World Championship. If you desire to acquire these skins, make sure to buy them upon their release.

Typically, World Championship skins do not fall under the ultimate or legendary category, as it is important for all players to have equal access to these skins. However, in my opinion, Faker unquestionably deserves a legendary skin for one of his champions.

When Will the EDG Worlds Skins be Released?

The release of the EDG World Championship skins is approaching, scheduled to hit the rift on May 11, 2022. However, it’s not just these skins that will be released; Riot has also announced the upcoming High Noon skins, which are set to be released in the same patch.

If you’re a skins enthusiast, this one is definitely for you. With multiple releases from two distinct skin lines, Riot has catered to fans’ preferences. However, what other skins does Riot have in the works? Have any already been released?

Which Champions Already Own World Championship skins?

Each year, the reigning World Champions bestow skins upon approximately five or six champions. Certain champions have gained widespread popularity, to the extent that they have been honored with skins from multiple world champions.

Year World Champions Champions
2011 Fnatic Corki, Gragas, Janna, Jarvan IV, Karthus
2012 Taipei Assassin Dr. Mundo, Ezreal, Nunu, Orianna, Shen
2013 SKT T1 Jax, Lee Sin, Vayne, Zed, Zyra
2014 Samsung White Rengar, Singed, Talon, Thresh, Twitch
2015 SKT T1 Alistar, Azir, Elise, Kalista, Renekton, Ryze
2016 SKT T1 Ekko, Jhin, Nami, Olaf, Syndra, Zac
2017 Samsung Galaxy Taliyah, Ezreal, Jarvan IV, Rakan, Xayah, Gnar
2018 Invictus Gaming Camille, FIora, Irelia, Kai’Sa LeBlanc, Rakan
2019 FunPlus Phoenix Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Thresh, Vayne
2020 DAMWON Jhin, Kennen, Leona, Nidalee, Twisted Fate

It’s refreshing to witness EDG deviate from the norm by introducing fresh champions like Viego and Aphelios, considering that champions such as Ezreal, Vayne, and Thresh already possess two World Championship skins.

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