League of LegendsPatch Notes

Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best Junglers In LoL Patch 13.18

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Jungle Tier List – These Are The Best Junglers In LoL Patch 13.18

Looking for a jungler for your upcoming climb? Or are you stuck with autofill? Look no more! This jungle tier list will guide you on which champions can assist you in securing victories on LoL patch 13.18.



Jungle Tier List LoL Patch 13.18: Who is the best jungler? | © EarlyGame

Jarvan IV has experienced a slight setback! Could this be the end of his reign? Additionally, if the Demacian prince is unavailable, which other champions should you consider? Look no more – we present the top jungle champions for LoL patch 13.18!

Additional Tier Lists are provided below:

Jungle Tier List For LoL Patch 13.18: These Are The Best Junglers

Rek’Sai, welcome back! The mighty Void Queen continues to dominate, making this the perfect time to choose her if you want to conquer your games swiftly. While a familiar face claims the throne, we also have the pleasure of greeting a newcomer!

3. Rek’Sai

Rek’Sai is back at the top. |©Riot Games

Once overlooked as a forgotten champion, Rek’Sai has experienced a surge in popularity due to enhancements to her bruiser abilities. These buffs were slightly excessive, leading to subsequent adjustments in the recent updates. Nevertheless, she continues to dominate the jungle meta!

Players have shown a clear inclination towards choosing Stridebreaker as their primary mythic item. Black Cleaver remains a reliable alternative. Following that, it is important to prioritize concluding the game swiftly. Although Rek’Sai is a formidable force during the early and mid-game, her scaling in the late game is notably lacking. Nevertheless, she has managed to reclaim her position at the pinnacle and is expected to remain there.

2. Nocturne

Why is it suddenly so dark in here? | © Riot Games
It’s been a while since Nocturne has wreaked havoc in our Ranked games! Through nerfs of his competitors and a convenient buff to Stridebreaker, League’s oldest nightmare has made it back to the top of the jungle meta.
Obviously, assassin Nocturne is more fun to play. We get it. However, Nocturne’s kit is probably better suited towards being a bruiser these days – even with an assassin-like engage. Make the best out of the situation while you turn off the lights for your enemies!
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1. Jarvan IV

Jarvan’s nerfs did not knock him off the throne just yet. | © Riot Games

Jarvan, who has finally received a nerf, has been replaced at the top of the jungle tier list. However, surprisingly, we are still excited to introduce… Jarvan?!

Is the Demacian prince still dominating the game? Despite the effects of his nerfs, he remains the most popular jungler in the current patch and continues to succeed. Should we consider implementing additional nerfs to Jarvan in the near future? Only time will tell.

Jungle Tier List Patch 13.18 in League of Legends

LoL Jungle Tier List: Jarvan IV is still the best champion in patch 13.18. | © Riot Games

After reviewing the top-tier champions in Patch 13.18, it is time to assess the ranking of your other beloved champions. Which of these choices is your main champion?

Who Are Our A-Tier Junglers?

The A-Tier remains highly regarded, representing champions that can be chosen effortlessly and still result in victorious games. These are the champions you should opt for when the S-Tier champions are unavailable due to bans. Therefore, if you aspire to improve your solo queue ranking, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with these picks for the current patch.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Bel’Veth 51.68% 4.87%
Ekko 50.56% 7.02%
Evelynn 52.28% 5.20%
Fiddlesticks 52.88% 3.63%
Graves 49.64% 8.61%
Kayn 50.15% 7.10%
Kha’Zix 50.72% 10.04%
Lee Sin 48.56% 13.79%
Lillia 51.05% 4.87%
Nidalee 51.01% 6.75%
Rammus 53.28% 1.82%
Shaco 51.75% 5.70%
Udyr 53.11% 2.46%

If you possess impressive skills, Nidalee should unquestionably be your champion of choice! However, for a more straightforward option, consider examining Rammus. It’s important not to mistake him for our writer Jon, though. Although Jon shares a similar name, he is not as enthusiastic about League of Legends and, to the best of our knowledge, is not an armadillo.

Who Are Our B-Tier Junglers?

The B-Tier comprises champions that are decent, but not as powerful as those in the A or S Tier. It is advisable to choose them in certain matchups, but we recommend becoming proficient with the champion before selecting them in Ranked matches.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Diana 50.43% 4.89%
Elise 50.91% 3.44%
Hecarim 49.08% 6.46%
Ivern 52.15% 1.44%
Karthus 50.65% 3.34%
Kindred 50.77% 2.47%
Maokai 49.80% 2.49%
Master Yi 50.25% 4.49%
Poppy 50.75% 2.58%
Sylas 50.42% 4.11%
Taliyah 50.05% 3.64%
Vi 50.37% 3.41%
Viego 49.39% 8.05%
Zac 50.58% 3.43%

Although Sylas may not feel entirely comfortable in this role, he remains an intriguing jungle pick to keep an eye on. While his stats are currently within a reasonable range, they are gradually improving. Before considering him for your Ranked games, it is advisable to practice his jungle clear as he struggles during the early levels.

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Who Are Our F-Tier Junglers?

Are you interested in winning at all? If the thought of losing LP and landing in Iron IV doesn’t scare you, then this list is perfect for you.

Feel free to choose your preferred champion, however, we advise against selecting these F-Tier junglers in the current meta unless you specialize in playing only them.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Wukong 46.92% 1.18%

After players have finally ceased bringing Naafiri to the jungle, we can now remove her from this tier list. Opt for playing her on the mid lane instead, and you’ll undoubtedly have a more enjoyable experience. Rest assured, we speak from experience.

Wukong finds himself isolated in the lowest tier, F. The monkey king has faced numerous challenges lately, and even the mana buffs in patch 13.16 failed to revive his strength. Perhaps, in the upcoming patch, Riot may consider granting him additional buffs, especially if they decide to reintroduce him for the World Championship.

To maximize your gaming experience and increase your chances of winning ranked games, it’s advisable to opt for our top-tier S-ranked picks or consider those in the A-tier. Achieving victory is your ultimate goal, isn’t it?

Contributions by

  • Manuel Hirsch

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