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LoL Champion Roadmap: All Info On Upcoming Champions

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LoL Champion Roadmap: All Info On Upcoming Champions

By referring to the LoL champion roadmap, players can gain insight into the forthcoming champions that Riot intends to release. If you are low on Blue Essence and eager to discover whom to prioritize for saving, continue reading to determine the League of Legends characters that may become your future mains. 


LoL Champion Roadmap: What champion is next on the list? | © Riot Games

In 2023, we have witnessed the arrival of multiple new champions, including a support and mid lane champion. However, there are still more champions planned for the future. So, the burning question remains: which champion will Riot bestow upon us next?

In addition to Aurelion Sol’s Comprehensive Gameplay Update and Ahri’s long-awaited Art and Sustainability Update, there are more champion changes in store. What other updates can we anticipate from the Champion Roadmap for the second half of 2023 and early 2024?

LoL Champion Roadmap: Who is the Next League of Legends Champion?

New LoL Champion – Briar

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The jungle champion that Riot is currently developing hasn’t received much attention. However, fans firmly believe that this upcoming champion will indeed be a vampire, possibly tied to Noxus in some capacity.

Riot August, the Champion Lead, is currently focusing on developing a new champion. This has led many players to speculate that the upcoming champion will be a vampire. August has openly expressed his desire to introduce a vampire champion to Summoner’s Rift, distinct from Vladimir.

Once I’m done dealing her 200 years of true damage, Briar will be completely defeated.

On July 28, 2023, August tweeted as @RiotAugust.

In a recent developer blog, additional information has been revealed about this champion, shedding more light on their story. The champion in question is a female with an insatiable appetite that was previously plagued by madness caused by her hunger. However, it appears that she has undergone a transformation and has now found redemption.

Initially created for Naafiri, the concept of a champion with fervent hunger evolved into Briar, a jungle skirmisher. The decision to incorporate this idea into Briar’s kit was made, solidifying their role in the game.

When Will the Next Champion Be Released?

According to Riot Brightmoon, the release of the next League of Legends champion is expected to be before the summer of 2023. Additionally, they mentioned that by the time the next development video is updated, the champion named Briar would have already been introduced.

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This implies that we might receive additional information about Briar in August. Many individuals anticipate her debut in either LoL Patch 13.18 or LoL Patch 13.19, indicating that the wait for her won’t be much longer.

Briar Splash Art And Part Of Kit Leaked Online

According to certain sources, the Briar splash art has been leaked and made available to the public. Content creator BigBadBear initially refrained from sharing the full splash art prior to the champion’s release. However, other leakers have already shared it, leading BigBadBear to also reveal the artwork.

In addition to the splash art showcased in the video above, the leakers have also revealed certain aspects of her abilities. It is important to note that these leaks should be approached with caution, as they are not confirmed information.

Briar’s kit is expected to make her an incredibly powerful champion, featuring a stun and dash, which is commonly seen in new champions introduced in 2023. What might this kit entail? Do you hold any anticipation for the possibility of these leaks being accurate?

New LoL Champion: Mid Lane Mage Could Be Most Unique Champion Ever

What can we expect from the Ink Mage? | © Riot Games

Riot has previously hinted at another champion, a mid lane mage who will harness the power of art. While this concept isn’t entirely new, it has been revealed that Riot had considered it in the past but ultimately chose not to release a champion with an art mechanic due to certain limitations.

At first, the team had expressed their desire to create a mage who could physically manifest their abilities through drawing. Whether Riot decides to pursue this concept remains uncertain, yet we believe it is highly improbable.

According to the April 2023 champion roadmap, it has been revealed that this upcoming champion will hail from Ionia and goes by the name of Briar. However, apart from these details, there is limited information available about this enigmatic mid lane champion.

Freljord Huntress Rumored

Can’t wait to be back in the Freljord. | © Riot Games

Additionally, speculations and confidential information have emerged regarding the introduction of another champion. The potential candidate is described as a formidable huntress hailing from the Freljord, specializing in the top lane. Furthermore, Riot Games intends to craft a distinctive and unprecedented weapon specifically for this champion within the enchanting realm of Runeterra.

If these rumors are indeed true, we can only hope that she possesses the same level of jolliness and friendliness as Braum.

When Will The Skarner Rework Go Live?

The League of Legends community voted for Skarner to be the next champion to undergo a VGU. However, Riot has been primarily focused on refining the Udyr rework, which was released earlier in 2022. Consequently, there hasn’t been much information disclosed about Skarner’s potential changes for 2023.

Recent information suggests that there will be a limited number of champion Visual and Gameplay Updates (VGUs) in the future. Consequently, it is anticipated that Skarner will be the sole recipient of such an update in 2023. To learn further details about this distinctive jungle champion, we will need to exercise patience.

Jax ASU Late 2023 Revealed

Jax is going to look a lot better with his ASU. | © Riot Games

As the Skarner VGU is experiencing some delays, we have decided to treat the top lane menace Jax with a delightful surprise Art and Sustainability Update.

According to the information provided by Riot in the past, the anticipated launch for this ASU is expected to be in late 2023 or early 2024. Alongside this release, there will be updates to the character’s artwork and the outdated model, while retaining his existing abilities.

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