
Top 10 Ugliest Fortnite Skins

10. Soulless Sweeper Skin

Do any of you football fans ever feel like there are eleven players on the field when your favorite team is playing? I can definitely relate… their passing game is just as unattractive as their appearance. | © Epic Games

9. Teef Skin

This appearance appears highly unconventional and unfamiliar. It raises questions like, what is this exactly? In the event that the Teef skin becomes available again in the item shop, we kindly ask you not to purchase it. | © Epic Games

8. Grimbles Skin

The appearance of the garden gnome, paired with an unconventional and humorous color scheme, simply does not align with the Fortnite theme. Moreover, his unsettling visage manages to elicit an eerie sensation. | © Epic Games

7. Tender Defender Skin

We are unable to express our emotions at the moment due to the perplexing appearance of this new skin. However, it does have a touch of amusement to it! All that’s left is to grab some chips to accompany our Chicken Tenders. | © Epic Games

6. Fly Trap Skin

He exemplifies an underdeveloped skin, available for a hefty price of 2000 V-Bucks in the item shop, lacking any additional back bling or selectable style. The mere notion of him representing a flytrap is utterly absurd. Furthermore, his punk hairstyle and green full bodysuit only add to the unsightly appearance of this creature, solidifying its place on our list. | Copyright Epic Games

5. Leviathan Skin

Here’s another situation that calls for psychiatry. Consider a goldfish bowl where we place a piranha and then cover it with a diving suit. The outcome is a perplexing sight, as we can’t fathom how the skin enables any movement. Could it be that a superior intellect is manipulating the legs? But let’s not dwell on that, and simply cease our concerns. | © Epic Games

4. Demogorgon Skin

If you envision him as the intimidating creature from Stranger Things, but once he starts dancing, he resembles a character straight out of a low-budget film. | © Epic Games

3. Twistie Skin

Twistie’s terrifying appearance is enough to make me want to scream. I can’t help but wonder if she’s an animated air dancer or if someone is actually trapped inside that costume. Either way, it gives off an eerie vibe that I’d rather not explore. | © Epic Games

2. Madcap Skin

This particular design is not just poorly executed but also downright unattractive. There are numerous aspects that contribute to its unsightliness. The mushroom cap appears repulsive, and the facial features do nothing to improve its appeal. Additionally, the chin is puzzlingly shaped. It seems as though Madcap is a failed combination of Thanos and Toad, resulting in a disastrous outcome.

1. Moisty Merman Skin

In the haunted land known as “Moisty Mire,” a chilling urban legend emerges. The skin in question emits an unsettling vibe, boasting peculiar colors and an uncomfortably bulky attire, with a truly dreadful design. Remarkably, it has earned the well-deserved title of the ugliest skin in Fortnite, securing an impressive first place. Kudos to Epic Games for conjuring this haunting creation.


Fortnite provides a wide range of skins for players to choose from, allowing them to make their own decisions without anyone judging their choices. While some may argue that skins merely bring cosmetic changes and hold no significant value to the game, it is intriguing how much importance we place on them. Within the assortment of skins available, there are those that evoke fear, others that exude coolness, cuteness, and even attractiveness, such as Beach Jules and Mid-Summer Midas. However, if you desire to maintain a fashionable appearance in Fortnite, it is advisable to avoid using the following skins at all costs, unless your intention is to challenge conventional notions of impressing through attire. Now, let’s delve into the list of the ten most unattractive skins in Fortnite.

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