League of LegendsPatch Notes

LoL Patch 13.1b Patch Notes | All Buffs, Nerfs & Balance Changes

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LoL Patch 13.1b Patch Notes | All Buffs, Nerfs & Balance Changes

In light of recent incidents, Riot Games has decided to replace League of Legends Patch 13.2 with a hotfix patch known as LoL Patch 13.1b. This hotfix aims to address certain issues promptly while we eagerly await an upcoming update to see what additional changes Riot has in store for us.



What is being adjusted in LoL Patch 13.1b? | © Riot Games

The release of League of Legends Patch 13.2, scheduled for January 25, 2023, was delayed. This was caused by technical difficulties with the PBE build, which also suffered from code theft.

As a result, the Riot balance team has made efforts to deliver some of the anticipated balance adjustments to please fans. However, certain changes such as the Ahri ASU have been postponed.

LoL Patch 13.1b Patch Notes: All Champion Balance Changes

Champion Buffs

In this patch, we are fortunate to receive three champion buffs and a plethora of ADC mana buffs. Before delving into the ADC changes, let’s review each champion buff individually.

Champions Buffs in LoL Patch 13.1b
Lillia Passive – Dream-Laden Bough

  • Magic Damage: The initial damage is 5% of the target’s maximum health, and for every 100 Ability Power (AP) gained, it increases by an additional 1.2% to a total of 5% (+1.2% per 100 AP) of the target’s maximum health. However, this has been revised and now it increases by an additional 1.5% per 100 AP, resulting in a total of 5% (+1.5% per 100 AP) of the target’s maximum health.

Q – Blooming Blows

  • Updated Magic Damage: 35/45/55/65/75 (+45% AP)
  • The damage from Outer Edge has been increased from 40% to 45% of Ability Power (AP), resulting in the following values: 35/45/55/65/75 (+45% AP).

W – Swirlseed

  • New Version: Magic Damage: 70/95/120/145/170 (+45% AP) is now updated to 70/95/120/145/170 (+60% AP).
  • The duration of Magic Damage is reduced from 16 seconds at all ranks to 16/15.5/15/14.5/14 seconds.
Orianna Passive – Clockwork Windup

  • Tik Tok: 10-50 (levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 18) ⇒ 10-50 (levels 1-18) (Note: Damage remains the same)

Q – Command: Attack

  • The ball initially inflicts full damage to the first target struck, but each subsequent enemy hit will receive reduced damage of 70%.

W – Command: Dissonance

  • Revised: The mana cost has been adjusted from 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90.

R – Command: Shockwave

  • The revised version is: <br><br>Magic Damage: 200/275/350 (+80% AP) has been changed to 250/350/450 (+90% AP).
Zoe Base Stats

  • [UPDATED] Introducing the Bubble’s Bane: When Zoe’s Sleepy Trouble Bubble renders enemies asleep, their Magic Resist is now diminished by 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%. (Please note that this debuff vanishes upon awakening the target.)

ShowMaker believes that these mages warrant these buffs.

In addition to the aforementioned changes and buffs, it is worth noting that many marksmen have also received buffs in this patch.

Marksmen Buffs in LoL Patch 13.1b

Champions The alterations made in League of Legends Patch 13.1b
  • Mana Growth has increased from 32 to 35.
  • The growth of mana regeneration has been increased from 0.4 to 0.65.
  • Mana Growth: Increased from 35 to 40.
  • The growth rate for mana regeneration has been increased from 0.55 to 0.7.
  • The growth rate of mana regeneration has increased from 0.65 to 1.
  • The mana cost of Deadly Flourish has been adjusted to 50/55/60/65/70 from 50/60/70/80/90.
  • The mana cost of E – Captive Audience has been reduced to 30 at all ranks, from 30/35/40/45/50.
  • Increase in Base Mana: 245 ⇒ 260
  • Mana Growth has increased from 45 to 50.
  • The mana cost for W – Zap! has been changed to 50/55/60/65/70 from 50/60/70/80/90.
  • The base mana has been rounded up from 344.88 to 345.
  • Increase in Mana Growth from 38 to 40.
  • The growth rate of mana regeneration has been increased from 0.45 to 0.7.
Miss Fortune
  • Increase in Mana Growth: 35 ⇒ 40
  • The mana regeneration value has been updated from 8.05 to 8.
  • The growth rate of mana regeneration has been increased from 0.65 to 0.8.
  • The growth rate for mana regeneration has been increased from 0.4 to 0.7.
  • Mana Growth has been increased from 40 to 45.
  • The mana cost of W – Ricochet has been reduced to 60 at all ranks, from 60/65/70/75/80.
  • The base mana has been increased from 287.2 to 300.
  • The growth rate of Mana Regeneration has been increased from 0.45 to 0.7.
  • The growth rate of mana regeneration has been increased from 0.75 to 0.8.

Bot laners who have been struggling in recent times will find these changes to be a great improvement. Many players have expressed their dissatisfaction with the weakened state of the ADC role. However, it remains to be seen whether these mana adjustments will truly restore the greatness of ADCs or if further modifications from Riot will be necessary.

Bye Ryze it’s been nice knowing you. | © Riot Games

Champion Nerfs

After rejoicing over their champion for just one patch, Ryze mains have been stripped of their happiness as the godforsaken champion has managed to achieve a win rate exceeding 50%. Consequently, he is now bound to receive nerfs. However, the question arises as to which other champions will join him on the nerf list.

Champion Nerfs in LoL Patch 13.1
Gangplank Base Stats

  • The growth of AD has decreased from 4 to 3.7.

E – Powder Keg

  • The bonus damage on critical strikes has been reduced from 10% to 5%.
Heimerdinger Q – H-28G Evolution Turret

  • Revised: Turret Health: 175-700 (depending on level) (+5%-40% AP (based on level)) ⇒ 130-640 (depending on level) (+5%-45% AP (based on level))

W – Hextech Micro-Rockets

  • The initial magic damage is modified as follows: <br>Old values: 50/75/100/125/150 (+45% AP) <br>New values: 40/65/90/115/140 (+55% AP)
Kassadin E – Force Pulse

  • Cooldown: 21/19/17/15/13 seconds → Cooldown: 21/20/19/18/17 seconds
Kindred Q – Dance of Arrows

  • The physical damage has been adjusted from 60/85/110/135/160 (+75% Bonus AD) to 50/75/100/125/150 (+75% Bonus AD).
Lucian Base Stats

  • The initial mana amount of 349 has been reduced to 320.
  • Mana has increased from 38 to 43.
  • The base mana regeneration has been reduced from 8.18 to 7.
  • The growth rate of mana regeneration has been increased from 0.7 to 0.8.
Maokai Q – Bramble Smash

  • The bonus damage to monsters has been adjusted to the following: 100/120/140/160/180 from its previous values of 120/140/160/180/200.

E – Sapling Toss

  • Adjusted Magic Damage: 55/80/105/130/155 (+5% bonus health) (+35% AP)
  • Adjusted Sapling Magic Damage: 110/160/210/260/310 (+10% bonus health) (+70% AP) instead of Empowered Sapling Magic Damage: 110/160/210/260/310 (+12% bonus health) (+80% AP)
Nami W – Ebb and Flow

  • Revised: The magic damage has been adjusted from 70/110/150/190/230 (+50% AP) to 60/100/140/180/220 (+55% AP).

E – Tidecaller’s Blessing

  • The revised version would be: <br><br>Bonus Magic Damage per Hit: 20/35/50/65/80 (+20% AP) remains the same.
Ryze Base Stats

  • The magic resistance has decreased from 36 to 32.

Passive – Arcane Mastery

  • The maximum mana increase has been adjusted from 10% per 100 AP to 6% per 100 AP.
Udyr Q – Wilding Claw

  • Bonus Physical Damage: 3/4/5/6/7/8% (+5% per 100 bonus AD) has been revised to 3/4/5/6/7/8% (+4% per 100 bonus AD).
  • The Bonus Attack Speed has been adjusted to the following values: 20/32/44/56/68/80%.

R – Wingborne Storm

  • Adjusted Damage per Tick: 10/19/28/37/46/55 instead of 10/20/30/40/50/60.
Yuumi Base Stats

  • Attack Range has been reduced from 500 to 425.
  • Base Attack Damage has been reduced from 55 to 49.
  • The initial health has been reduced from 550 to 500.
  • Base Health Regeneration has been reduced from 7 to 5.

Passive – Bop’n’Block

  • Yuumi’s Attack Range is increased by 25 only for the attack that is performed when Bop ‘n’ Block is ready.
  • Shield Strength: Level-based range of 60-380 is modified to a range of 45-300 depending on the level.

We – You and I!

  • Modified Adaptive Force: 12-20 (+6-10% of bonus)

E – Zoomies

  • Movement Speed: 20% (Note: The AP ratio has been removed)

Gangplank will need to be nerfed as a result of the modifications to crit items, in order to prevent him from becoming excessively overpowered. This is why he was included on the nerf list, despite not being an overpowered champion.

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Item Adjustments in League of Legends Patch

Item Changes in LoL Patch 13.1b

Item Changes in LoL Patch 13.1b
Blade of the Ruined King
  • Cooldown time has been increased from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
  • Increase in Ranged On-Hit Damage: 8% becomes 9%.
  • The bonus magic damage from Siphon has been adjusted to range from 40 to 103 at levels 9 to 18, instead of 40 to 150 at levels 1 to 18.
Demonic Embrace
  • The revised version is: <br><br>Maximum Health Burn has been adjusted for champions. The new rates are 1.6% for melee champions and 1.0% for ranged champions, previously it was 1.8% for melee champions and 0.8% for ranged champions.
Essence Reaver
  • Increase in Attack Damage from 45 to 55.
  • The updated gold cost is 2900, previously it was 2800.

ADC Class Item Adjustments

The struggling class of marksmen has not only received mana buffs, but their items have also been adjusted and improved to provide them with several advantages in the game.

Infinity Edge

  • The critical strike chance of the Passive – Perfection Required has been reduced from 60% to 40%.

Navori Quickblades

  • Passive – Transcendence Requirement: Critical Strike Chance reduced from 60% to 40%.


  • Life Steal has been reduced from 18% to 15%.
  • Shield: 180-450 (levels 9-18), previously 50-320 (levels 1-18)
  • The revised total cost is 3200, instead of 3400.

Grievous Wounds Adjustments

The issue of Grievous Wounds and healing has been a widely discussed and debated topic recently. Many players have expressed frustration over the overwhelming amount of healing present in the game, making it seemingly impossible to effectively combat. In response to this concern, Riot Games has implemented certain enhancements to Grievous Wounds, aiming to mitigate the excessive sustain that currently affects gameplay.

Item Adjustments
Oblivion Orb
  • Ability Power has been reduced from 35 to 30.
  • The effect of Grievous Wounds has been increased from 25% to 40%.
Chemtech Putrifier
  • New Build Path: Combine Oblivion Orb and Bandleglass Mirror, costing a total of 2500 gold. Alternatively, combine Oblivion Orb with Forbidden Idol and invest an additional 700 gold, resulting in a total cost of 2300 gold.
  • Ability Power has been reduced from 60 to 40.
  • Ability Haste has been reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Enhance Healing and Shielding Strength: 0% ⇾ 8%
  • Revamped Grievous Wounds Application: The application has been redesigned to now inflict 40% Grievous Wounds on every damage application. (Please note that the capability of granting Grievous Wounds to allies through buffs has been eliminated)
  • Health: 300 ⇒ 200
  • Increase in Magic Penetration: 0 to 10.
  • Grievous Wounds now inflicts a consistent 40% healing reduction to all targets. The previous bonus for striking low health targets has been removed.
Executioner’s Calling
  • Reduced Attack Damage from 20 to 15.
  • Grievous Wounds increased from 25% to 40%.
Chempunk Chainsword
  • Decrease in Attack Damage: 20 ⇒ 15
  • Grievous Wounds: 25% (increased to 40% when the target’s health is below 50%) ⇒ 40% (Note: There is no longer an additional bonus for damaging low health targets.)
Mortal Reminder
  • New Build Path: Start with Executioner’s Calling for 800 gold, then purchase Zeal for 1200 gold, and finally spend an additional 750 gold to complete the build. This will result in a total cost of 2750 gold. Alternatively, you can opt for Executioner’s Calling, Last Whisper, Cloak of Agility, and an extra 150 gold, which will amount to a total cost of 3000 gold.
  • Original: Attack Speed: 20% ⇒ 0%<br>Rewritten: Attack Speed has been reduced from 20% to 0%.
  • Armor Penetration: 0% is transformed into 30%.
  • Movement Speed: No increase in speed.
  • The effect of Grievous Wounds has been changed. It now provides a flat 40% reduction in healing. The previous bonus for hitting the same target 3 times has been removed.
Lord Dominik’s Regards
  • Increase in Attack Damage: 30 ➝ 35
Bramble Vest
  • The amount of magic damage reflected back to attackers has increased from 4 to 6.
  • Grievous Wounds: increased from 25% to 40%
  • The amount of Magic Damage reflected back to attackers has been modified from 10 (+20% bonus armor) to 10 (+25% bonus armor).
  • The application of Grievous Wounds has been modified. It now occurs only when taking damage, with a potency of 40%. The previous effect of applying Grievous Wounds upon immobilizing enemies has been removed.

Fighter Adjustments in LoL Patch 13.1b

In addition, Riot has successfully incorporated several item modifications specifically designed for fighters in the upcoming hotfix update, which will replace LoL Patch 13.2.

The intention behind these modifications is to reduce the sustain and haste capabilities of fighters, which have become quite bothersome when facing them in recent times.

Item Adjustments
  • Omnivamp has been reduced from 7% to 0%.
  • Ability Haste: 0 is now increased to 15.
  • The cooldown for shields has been reduced to 6 seconds for melee champions and 12 seconds for ranged champions, down from 8 seconds and 16 seconds respectively.
  • Updated Item Recipe: Serrated Dirk combined with Caulfield’s Warhammer, while keeping the total cost unchanged.
Syzygy (Ornn Upgraded Eclipse)
  • Omnivamp: From 8% to 0%
  • Ability Haste: 0 increases to 20.
  • New Passive: Grants 50 Health and 3 Ability Haste
Ravenous Hydra
  • Picky Eater: 10% Omnivamp has been changed to 10% Lifesteal.
  • Ability Haste: 20 has been increased to 25.
  • Lifesteal will now be activated when dealing Cleave damage.
Maw of Malmortius
  • The Lifeline Omnivamp has been increased from 10% to 12% Lifesteal.
  • Increase in Attack Damage: 10
  • Ability Haste: 20 has been changed to 0.
  • Revised Item Recipe: Hexdrinker combined with Caulfield’s Warhammer, now requires an additional Pickaxe and Long Sword. Please note that the total cost remains the same.
Death’s Dance
  • The attack damage has been increased from 55 to 65.
  • Armor: 45 ⇒ 50
  • Ability Haste: 15 decreases to 0.
  • The Healing on Takedown is reduced from 120% bonus AD to 50% bonus AD.
  • Update to Item Recipe: Chain Vest + Caulfield’s Warhammer + Pickaxe has been modified to Chain Vest + Pickaxe + Pickaxe. Please note that the total cost remains unchanged.
Black Cleaver
  • Increase in Attack Damage: 45 is now 50.
  • Health: 350 ⇒ 400

The intention behind these adjustments is to encourage players to consider whether they prefer to prioritize sustain or ability haste, thus adding more significance to their build path. Additionally, Riot has assured that they will closely observe each champion’s performance to ensure none of them are left significantly behind due to these changes in items.

Tooltips In The Games Will Be Wrong

With all these changes, Riot Phroxzon has sent out a Tweet letting players know that the tooltips likely will be wrong, but that everything in the Patch Notes for Patch 13.1b is correct and will be implemented.

During the patch, tooltips will not accurately reflect the changes made. However, it is assumed that the patch notes are correct.

Once again, I would like to extend a huge shoutout to all the hardworking teams who tirelessly collaborated to ensure the timely delivery of a patch to our players.

On January 25, 2023, Matt Leung-Harrison, also known as @RiotPhroxzon, tweeted:

Chemtech Drake Changes

The latest dragon to grace Summoner’s Rift is an upgraded version compared to its predecessor from 2022. However, players have found it to be slightly underpowered. As a result, its statistics are being enhanced and fine-tuned to better align with player expectations.

Chemtech Drake Buff

  • Increase the Tenacity and Heal/Shield power from 5% to 6%.

Chemtech Drake Soul

  • Upgrade: 10% damage resistance and heightened damage inflicted when health is under 50% → Enhanced to 11% damage resistance and increased damage inflicted when health is below 50%
Malphite’s new skin is amazing! | © RIot Games

Lunar God Skins Released in LoL Patch 13.1b

Additionally, we will be receiving the second batch of skins as part of the event. These skins, known as Lunar Gods skins, will consist of a total of five different designs. Furthermore, there will be a prestigious version of the 2022 Porcelain Lissandra skin available for purchase in the event shop using event tokens.

  • Lunar Emperor Thresh
  • Lunar Empress Ashe
  • Lunar Empress Qiyana
  • Lunar Guardian Kha’Zix
  • Lunar Guardian Malphote
  • Prestige Porcelain Lissandra

Regrettably, the Annie changes and the Ahri ASU won’t be included in this patch. We’ll probably have to wait for Patch 13.3 to receive those updates.

LoL Patch 13.1b Release Date

Originally scheduled for February 25, 2023, the regular patch was pushed back by a day and released on January 26, 2023 as a hotfix. Consequently, players will witness the alterations in the League of Legends client and game at that time. Subsequently, the upcoming major patch (13.3.) is set to launch on February 8, 2023.

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