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League of Legends: Briar Release Date – When Can You Play The New LoL Champion?

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League of Legends: Briar Release Date – When Can You Play The New LoL Champion?

After the release of LoL Patch 13.18 and the introduction of Briar in this update, several players are eager to know the availability of the latest League of Legends champion for gameplay.

LoL Briar: The release date for the new champion is set. | © Riot Games

Briar, the latest addition to the League of Legends roster, promises an exhilarating experience on the battlefield. Despite numerous leaks, players remain enthusiastic about testing out this new jungle diver. Through captivating teasers, we have already caught a glimpse of her captivating personality, and now the anticipation builds as we eagerly await the chaos she will bring to the rift.

When will you have the opportunity to dominate Summoner’s Rift and revolutionize the meta with this fresh champion that will drive you crazy? It will happen in a short time.

LoL Briar: Release Date For New Champion

Briar is going to be added to live servers soon! | © Riot Games

Riot Games has recently unveiled Briar, the new champion, allowing players to test it out on the Public Beta Environment. Currently, we are on Patch 13.18 on the PBE, while the live servers are still on LoL Patch 13.17. What implications does this have for Briar’s official release?

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The PBE cycle is consistently one patch ahead, meaning that Briar will likely be introduced in League of Legends Patch 13.18. This upcoming patch is expected to launch on September 13, 2023. Typically, new champions and skins are added to the client within a day, so you can anticipate playing as Briar on live servers starting September 14, 2023.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with her abilities before choosing her in your ranked games. It’s important to understand the implications of going into a frenzy. After all, you wouldn’t want to frustrate your teammates while attempting to climb out of Silver, would you?

Once Briar is released as the 165th champion in League of Legends, players are encouraged to join practice games in order to discover and perfect her unique mechanics integrated into her kit. Embrace the excitement of mastering this enjoyable new addition to the League of Legends roster.

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