
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – What Causes Gloom Hands To Appear & How To Avoid Them

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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – What Causes Gloom Hands To Appear & How To Avoid Them

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Gloom Hands are undeniably the most fear-inducing adversaries players will encounter. However, understanding the factors that trigger their appearance and learning how to evade them is crucial.

What makes the Gloom-Hands appear in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom | © Nintendo/EarlyGame

In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, the dreaded foes known as Gloom Hands instill fear in the hearts of players. Their omnipresence and relentless pursuit make it challenging to navigate the game without constant apprehension of their imminent return.

Nonetheless, the emergence of Gloom Hands is not a mere coincidence. There are distinct factors that trigger their appearance, and I will elucidate how you can evade encountering them in Tears of the Kingdom.

Avoiding Gloom-Hands In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Throughout the series, the Zelda franchise has consistently introduced numerous terrifying enemies that have left a lasting impact on players. Creatures such as Redeads and the Dead Hand from Ocarina of Time are perfect examples of these frightful adversaries, as they have managed to traumatize many of us during our childhood.

Zelda is number one cause of childhood trauma | © Nintendo

TotK’s Gloom Hands are widely regarded as the most fearsome adversaries in the game, and for good reason. These creatures have a knack for materializing out of thin air, relentlessly pursuing their victims until engaged in combat. Attempting to flee is futile, as they possess remarkable speed, and the unnerving accompanying soundtrack only adds to the unease.

Despite your bravery, facing these beasts in a 5v1 encounter will prove to be a formidable challenge, as they show no mercy.

In order to evade these fearsome creatures and prevent encountering them, here are the steps to follow:

Escaping from Gloom Hands | © Nintendo/EarlyGame
  1. Avoid entering their territory and steer clear of areas where you have previously encountered them. Consider marking those spots on your map as a precaution, as they tend to spawn only in specific locations.
  2. To avoid being reached by Gloom Hands, it is advisable to secure a higher ground like walls or trees. Thus, climbing to an elevated position is an effective means of escaping from their grasp.
  3. To avoid being noticed by Gloom hands, refrain from entering their field of vision. Even if you move stealthily, they will detect you once they spot you. The only way to go unnoticed is by taking cover behind objects in your immediate surroundings.

If you possess courage and are prepared to face these monsters, our guide can significantly simplify the task for you. Give it a try!

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