
Ascent: Tactical Map Guide, Strategies & Callouts

Ascent: Tactical Map Guide, Strategies & Callouts

Ascent is a well-liked map in Valorant, known for its diverse strategies and callouts that players can make use of. Winning games on this map can be quite challenging, but fear not! With this comprehensive guide, you will acquire all the essential knowledge to ascend the ranks on Ascent. 

Here is your guide to dominate on Ascent! | © Riot Games

This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the Ascent map, including all the callouts and strategies that can be used on it, regardless of the side you are playing on. Whether you want to improve your gameplay or gain an advantage on Ascent, the information below is essential for you. Enjoy reading!

  • Don’t forget to explore our compilation of the best 5 Agents for Ascent as well.

Ascent: Map Overview & All Callouts

Here are all the primary callouts for the Ascent map:

All main Ascent map callouts. | © Riot Games

In Ascent, dominating the Mid area holds utmost significance as it provides quick access to any Spike Site due to its expansive layout. Nonetheless, the map includes several bottleneck areas that can pose challenges for Attackers. Therefore, it can be concluded that Ascent slightly favors Defenders.

Ascent: A Site Overview & Callouts

Ascent A Site Callouts | © Riot Games

It is evident that the A site on Ascent is packed with numerous corners, making it extremely challenging to thoroughly inspect all of them. Consequently, attacking or retaking this Spike Site proves to be a formidable task. We particularly enjoy establishing strategic positions when defending and swiftly advancing with coordinated tactics while attacking. Therefore, this difficulty extends beyond the game’s storyline.

Attacking A Site on Ascent

Just a few good smokes and the round might be yours. | © Riot Games

In order to increase your chances of success while attacking the A Site, it is crucial to have a skilled Duelist in your team composition. Controllers play a vital role by utilizing smoke abilities to block off important areas like the Door, Heaven, and Hell. Meanwhile, Duelists can take advantage of their agility and aggression to swiftly navigate specific regions, secure kills, and create favorable conditions for the team’s entry into the Spike Site.

Ensure that you prioritize the defense of crucial areas like Heaven once you have planted the Spike. Stay vigilant about potential flanks from A Main or Door. Additionally, it can be advantageous to use smoke grenades to create a safe passage through the Window or A Main, both before and after planting the Spike. By closing the Door, assigning a player to cover A Main from A Wine, and deploying smoke on A Rafters, the Defenders will encounter significant difficulties in retaking the site.

Defending A Site on Ascent

Due to its map design, Ascent makes it relatively easy to defend a site. The limited rotation options for Defenders to reach the Spike Site from various locations on the map contribute to this advantage. It is recommended to have a maximum of 2-3 Agents responsible for defending the site, using a cross fire setup. For example, positioning one player on Heaven and another at Generator can be effective. It is important to adapt and change positions when the enemy spots you to avoid getting hit by grenades from A Main.

Be careful when entering A Lobby as the design allows for easier flanking and skirmishing through Catwalk. It’s advisable to communicate with the Mid players and make decisions based on the information gathered.

Ascent: B Site Overview & Callouts

Ascent B Site Callouts. | © Riot Games

The image above showcases the B Spike Site on Ascent, which is partially divided by the Workshop. Its layout bears a resemblance to the B Bombsite on dust_2 in CS:GO. It can be considered as a Valorant adaptation of the renowned CS:GO site.

Attacking B Site on Ascent

To successfully attack the B Site, it is crucial to position your team in both B Main and Mid. Additionally, remember to strategically employ smoke grenades and molotovs in areas like Defender Spawn/CT, Market, or Boat House/Back Site. This will compel the defenders to either retreat or surrender control of the site. Given that it is relatively effortless for defenders to rotate on B and that it presents a more exposed Spike Site compared to A, we strongly advise swiftly advancing upon securing a frag.

Make sure to consistently be vigilant for any enemies lurking in B Lane and B Stairs. Additionally, utilize your Agent’s abilities to effectively clear crucial areas like Boat House and Wallbang.

Defending B Site on Ascent

To successfully defend B Site on Ascent, prioritize gaining control over B Main. This serves as the primary entry point for Attackers, so halting their progress here can single-handedly secure a round victory. To achieve this, consider requesting your Initiator Agents, like [Agent Name] or [Agent Name], to utilize their revealing abilities and scout for enemy presence in that area.

Defending this Spike Site is undeniably more challenging, particularly when you lack control over Mid. Thus, when facing a disadvantageous situation, prioritize a defensive approach and patiently await the arrival of rotating teammates before attempting any daring maneuvers.

Ascent: Tips & Tricks

Okay, now let’s go over some general tips for playing on Ascent. These tips can also serve as a quick summary of this guide:

  • The early game should prioritize controlling the mid area. As stated earlier, mid is the most crucial part of the map, and gaining control in the beginning significantly boosts your chances of winning. Even when playing as defenders, a 4-man setup in mid can be an effective strategy, especially during eco rounds. On the attacker’s side, if you lose a teammate in mid, make sure to trade and take over the position of the eliminated enemy. From there, decide where you want to proceed. Additionally, gathering information about mid in the early stages of the game is essential. The more you know about mid, the better you can prepare a successful round strategy.
  • Create a crossfire strategy in Ascent. Ascent offers numerous angles that can be utilized for an effective crossfire, regardless of your team’s side. Implementing a crossfire not only decreases the likelihood of opponents attacking a specific angle, but it also provides an opportunity to exchange kills if your crossfire partner is eliminated.
  • Make an effort to secure as many entry points as you can. Ascent boasts numerous entrances, often leaving you feeling isolated. However, it’s important to note that you won’t be able to safeguard every entrance, making it essential to highlight those who excel at utilizing traps to create magical opportunities.

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