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League of Legends Top Lane Tier List: These Are The Best Top Laners In LoL Patch 13.18

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League of Legends Top Lane Tier List: These Are The Best Top Laners In LoL Patch 13.18

Looking for the top lane champions that dominate in League of Legends on patch 13.18? Whether you prefer splitpushing, carrying, or tanking, our top lane tier list has got you covered with all the best champions.



Find out who the strongest top laners are with our tier list! | © Riot Games

As Worlds 2023 approaches, Riot is preparing to introduce some meta changes to ensure a dynamic experience. This time, numerous flashy champions have been granted buffs. However, the question remains: will these adjustments be sufficient to propel them into the competitive meta for the upcoming major tournament?

Join me as we explore the top lane tier list and uncover the exceptional top laners in League of Legends for patch 13.18!

We offer an extensive selection of Top 5 Tier Lists.

Top Lane Tier List For LoL Patch 13.18: These Are The Best Top Laners

3. Quinn

Quinn is an insanely strong champion in the current meta. | © Riot Games

If you want to dominate your opponents who have a short attack range, selecting Quinn right from the start is the way to go. Although she may not be widely favored, this particular patch has made her incredibly powerful, increasing her importance and popularity.

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Thanks to her range advantage, she excels in the early game. As the game progresses into the mid and late stages, she becomes a force to be reckoned with, delivering powerful bursts of damage and maintaining a steady output. Furthermore, she has the ability to swiftly roam into other lanes and return to her own without sacrificing any minion kills.

2. Tryndamere

Tryndamere nerfs won’t do too much. | © Riot Games

In LoL Patch 13.17, he reigned as the most overpowered champion in the game. Although he did receive some nerfs, we believe they were insufficient to completely knock him out of the S-tier in LoL Patch 13.18.

Tryndamere retains his incredible range and his unyielding ultimate ability. Although his health per level has been reduced and he is more vulnerable in the early game, he is still exploitable in this LoL patch.

1. Malphite

The Rock is still rocking the meta! | © Riot Games

The top lane welcomes a formidable ruler who is here to reign! Malphite’s popularity has surged, and there are numerous compelling reasons to choose him. As a dependable tank who excels at stacking armor, he is an ideal counter against any top laner armed with attack damage. While he may struggle during the early stages of the game, his resilience can carry him through, and once he acquires his mythic item, he becomes a force to be reckoned with, capable of delivering a substantial blow.

Malphite’s ultimate ability, Unstoppable Force (R), is an incredibly powerful tool that can disrupt teamfights. It grants your team a significant advantage by creating momentum. If you manage to successfully hit all five enemy champions with this ability, you will undoubtedly become the standout player in the fight!

Best LoL Top Laner In Patch 13.18: Tier List

After examining the S-Tier of LoL Patch 13.18, it’s high time we explore the whereabouts of your other beloved champions. Which of these choices is your primary pick?

Who Are Our A-Tier Top Laners in Patch 13.18?

The A-Tier remains highly regarded, comprising champions that are both easily playable and capable of winning games. They are the go-to choices when the S-Tier champions are unavailable. Therefore, if your goal is to climb the solo queue ladder, it is recommended to give these picks a shot during this patch.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Darius 50.03% 7.42%
Camille 51.63% 4.67%
Fiora 49.50% 5.69%
Olaf 51.51% 2.42%
Renekton 50.90% 10.89%
Poppy 50.91% 2.57%
Illaoi 51.28% 4.55%
Aatrox 50.94% 11.40%
Garen 50.89% 6.16%

This time around, Olaf is just about to reach the level of being part of the highest tier, known as the S-tier. Thanks to the improvements made to Stridebreaker and Goredrinker, he now has a wide range of excellent item options to choose from. And let’s not forget how incredibly powerful his early game can be, making him quite overpowered, wouldn’t you agree?

Who Are Our B-Tier Top Laners?

The B-Tier encompasses champions that are decent, yet not as powerful as those in the A or S-Tier. It is advisable to select these champions for particular matchups, but it is recommended to fully master them beforehand.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
Naafiri 51.51% 0.97%
Ornn 50.39% 3.63%
Kled 52.12% 1.89%
Akshan 52.45% 1.19%
Jax 49.94% 5.83%
Singed 51.40% 1.92%
Pantheon 50.67% 3.47%
Maokai 51.09% 1.16%
Rengar 52.04% 1.05%
Riven 51.43% 4.85%

In this patch, Naafiri has slipped down to the B-tier and appears to align more closely with Riot’s original intention of being a mid lane champion. While she can still be enjoyable to play as a top laner in certain matchups, she no longer possesses the versatility to be blindly picked as a champion.

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Who Are Our F-Tier Top Laners?

We strongly recommend disregarding these picks in the current patch. Their win rates are either extremely low or they have been significantly weakened due to the recent update. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid selecting these champions under any circumstances.

Champion Win Rate Pick Rate
K’Sante 46.33% 5.35%
Briar 30.83% 0.80%
Gragas 47.15% 1.47%
Vladimir 48.51% 1.02%
Wukong 49.84% 0.71%

Enough of wasting time with K’Sante! K’Sante’s win rate in League of Legends has plummeted and is now the lowest among all top laners. If you prefer a tank with great playmaking abilities, opt for Malphite. If you want to outshine your opponents in terms of champion design, choose Camille instead. Trust me, your experience will be much more enjoyable compared to playing K’Sante.

While Briar could potentially be an impressive addition to the champion roster, she currently falls short as a top laner. However, she shows promise as a competent jungler, especially once players become adept at leveraging her ultimate ability. As of now, we advise against selecting her for the top lane until further developments.

What will be the impact of upcoming item updates on the best and worst picks for the top lane in LoL Patch 13.18?

Contributions by

  • Manuel Hirsch

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