
Fortnite x Attack on Titan: Where To Find the Jaeger Family Basement

Fortnite x Attack on Titan: Where To Find the Jaeger Family Basement

If you’re determined to acquire Eren Jäger’s Fortnite skin, locating his family’s basement may prove to be quite challenging. However, this article aims to provide you with clear guidance on how to accomplish this task.

Anvil Square is one of the most popular POI in Fortnite. | © Epic Games

Eren Jäger, the beloved character from the renowned anime Attack on Titan, has made his way into Fortnite. However, in order to play as him, players must overcome a series of challenges. One of these challenges is the pursuit of the Jaeger Family Basement. Although the quest provides a general location for the basement, it fails to provide an exact pinpoint. But worry not, for we are here to assist you in your journey.

To begin with, make your way towards the Anvil Square POI in order to locate the Jaeger’s Family Basement. It’s important to note that the area is filled with numerous buildings and often swarming with adversaries. Therefore, it is advisable to arm yourself with suitable weapons to be prepared for any potential confrontations.

The precise location of the Jaeger Family Basement can be found in the southeastern section of Anvil Square within a spacious building. Please refer to the map provided below for its marked position.

Location Jaeger Family Basement in Fortnite

The pink circle shows you the exact location of the Basement you are looking for for this quest in Fortnite. | © Epic Games

Upon observing the building from the river’s perspective, one can identify a roof situated on its right side. Proceed inside and direct your gaze towards the left, revealing a staircase that descends to the basement. Traverse through the door, and voila! The mission titled “Find Jäger’s Family Basement in Anvil Square” is successfully accomplished.

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By earning the back bling Basement Key, you will be one step closer to unlocking the Eren Jäger skin as a special reward.

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