Call of DutyWarzone

Warzone Rebirth Reinforced Bunker Codes – How To Enter The Golden Vaults

Warzone Rebirth Reinforced Bunker Codes – How To Enter The Golden Vaults

Learn how to unlock the previously inaccessible golden vaults during the Rebirth Reinforced event with the correct bunker code.

The golden doors can finally be opened. | © Activision

In Season 2: Reloaded, the old Rebirth Reinforced undergoes a transformation. Alongside new buildings, the introduction of golden bunkers or golden vaults takes center stage. While we have previously explored this topic in a separate article, today’s focus is on uncovering the whereabouts of these bunkers and acquiring the bunker codes required to unlock them.

What Are The Golden Vaults?

The introduction of Season 2: Reloaded and the revitalization of Rebirth Island brought about the Rebirth Reinforced event. Among the event’s objectives was the collective endeavor to amass a staggering $40 trillion in Blood Money Quads. Once this impressive milestone was achieved, three coveted golden bunkers were successfully unlocked, which can now be accessed using specific codes.

How To Find The Golden Vault Bunker Codes?

In order to obtain the code for any of the bunkers, it is necessary to successfully finish a brief scavenger hunt on Rebirth Reinforced. If you believed that you could simply find the codes readily available, you will unfortunately have to face reality: The codes are modified in each match, thus requiring you to undertake the scavenger hunt anew every time.

Find 6 TV Remotes In Prison Block

To start, navigate towards the central area of the map where the Prison Block is located.

Here you can find the TV remotes. | © Activision

You are now required to locate a total of six TV remote controls. Activate the remotes to proceed to the next stage. The remotes are situated in various prison cells, and their positions vary with each round.

Find The Red Telephone

Once all 6 remotes are activated, a red phone positioned in the center of the prison block will ring. It’s worth noting that the phone is located on the second level, thus eliminating the need for searching on the first floor.

Write Down The Code

Please engage with the phone and take note of the code you hear. As previously stated, the code varies for each match, so regrettably, we cannot supply it to you directly.

Open The Bunker

Proceed to one of the three esteemed bunkers, where you shall input the code on the adjacent numpad beside the door. As a result, the door shall promptly unlock, granting you access to plentiful treasures.

You can once again witness everything in action thanks to ModernWarzone.

Unlocking the new Golden Vaults on Rebirth Island is as follows:

1. Discover six television remote controls located on toilets within prison block 2.<br>2. Await the ringing of a telephone.<br>3. Pay close attention to the code conveyed by the phone.<br>4. Proceed to input the code into one of the golden vaults.<br>5. Reap the benefits and make a profit.

On April 11, 2022, ModernWarzone tweeted.

Where Are The Golden Vault Bunkers?

Below are the locations of three golden bunkers on Rebirth Reinforced.

Here you can find the bunkers on Rebirth Reinforced. | © Activision

One of the bunkers can be found at the Bioweapons Lab on the northwest coast of the island, known as Decontamination Zone. Another bunker is situated in the basement of the Nova 6 factory, while the final one is cleverly concealed within the rock wall. This hidden bunker becomes apparent when gazing from the fortress towards the island’s center.

What’s In The Golden Vault Bunkers?

Typically, the bunkers are an abundant source of valuable loot. In addition to cash, ammunition, and gas masks, you may stumble upon legendary weapons that can greatly benefit your entire squad. Visiting these bunkers is undoubtedly worthwhile if you aim to fully equip your team.

Have you opened the new Warzone Bunkers on Rebirth Reinforced? That’s all there is to it.

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