
New LoL Skins: All League of Legends Skins Released in 2023

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New LoL Skins: All League of Legends Skins Released in 2023

Join me as we explore all the exciting details on the new LoL skins in 2023. Discover which skins are set to be released and which champions will be fortunate enough to receive them. 


What skins await us in League of Legends this year? | © Riot Games

As we approach 2023, League of Legends, a popular free-to-play MOBA, continues to generate significant revenue primarily from the sale of cosmetic items for its diverse roster of champions. The game is set to introduce a plethora of new skins for its ever-expanding pool of 160 champions.

Now, let’s delve into all the information we have on the upcoming LoL skins in 2023 and Riot’s strategies for their lucrative asset. Which skins have you eagerly anticipated for this year?

LoL: Which Skins Have Been Released In 2023?

At the beginning of 2023, there are approximately 1,400 distinct skins available in League of Legends. Throughout this year, more skins will be introduced, and numerous champions will receive fresh and exclusive appearances for the game.

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Although we saw numerous new skins introduced in 2022, we anticipate the arrival of exciting new skins and the return of beloved fan-favorites in 2023. Could we possibly see more Shan Hai Scrolls skins this year? We would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!

Skin Line Champions Release Date LoL Patch
Mythmaker Irelia, Galio, Zyra, Garen, Sivir January 12, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1
Lunar Gods Ashe, Qiyana, Thresh, Kha’Zix, Malphite January 26, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1b
Heartache & Heartthrob Vi, Caitlyn Amumu February 10, 2023 LoL Patch 13.3
Astronaut Singed, Fizz, Xerath, Ivern, Kennen February 23, 2023 LoL Patch 13.4
Broken Covenant Xayah, Rakan, Riven, Miss Fortune, Cho’Gath, Vladimir, Nocturne March 9, 2023 LoL Patch 13.5
Faerie Court Karma, Katarina, Kalista, Seraphine, Milio, Fiora, Ezreal March 23, 2023 LoL Patch 13.6
Cats vs. Dogs Yuumi, Nidalee, Kindred, Kled April 6, 2023 LoL Patch 13.7
Dawnbringer vs. Nightbringer Nasus, Renekton, Jarvan IV, Vayne April 20, 2023 LoL Patch 13.8
Inkshadow Yasuo, Yone, Aurelion Sol, Kai’Sa, Volibear, Udyr, Master Yi May 4, 2023 LoL Patch 13.9
Snow Moon Ahri, Morgana, Varus May 18, 2023 LoL Patch 13.10
DRX World Championship Aatrox, Maokai, Kindred, Akali, Cailtyn, Ashe June 2, 2023 LoL Patch 13.11
Shan Hai Scrolls Lillia, Tahm Kench, Bard, Kog’Maw June 15, 2023 LoL Patch 13.12
Finally we’re getting the Star Guardian Seraphine skin in LoL! | © Riot Games
Skin Line Champions Release Date LoL Patch
Elderwood Wukong, Karthus June 29, 2023 LoL Patch 13.13
Star Guardian Orianna, Seraphine, Senna June 29, 2023 & July 19, 2023 LoL Patch 13.13 & LoL Patch 13.14
Soul Fighter Samira, Viego, Pyke, Shaco, Sett, Lux, Jhin, Evelynn, Gwen, Naafiri July 19, 2023 & August 3, 2023 LoL Patch 13.14 & LoL Patch 13.15
Immortal Journey Zeri, Zed, Shyvana, Sona, Kayle, Soraka August 17, 2023 LoL Patch 13.16
Cosmic Sion, Bel’Veth, Nunu & Willump, Nautilus August 31, 2023 LoL Patch 13.17
Street Demon Neeko, Zyra, Rengar, Brand, Dr. Mundo September 14, 2023 LoL Patch 13.18
La Ilusión Ziggs, QIyana, Draven, Nidalee, Gnar, Renata Glasc September 28, 2023 LoL Patch 13.19

New Ultimate Skin Revealed

In the game, Riot plans to introduce a new addition – the highest tier skin featuring remarkable effects and animations. These skins aim to redefine the champion and their extraordinary persona. Come 2023, Riot will unveil a brand new ultimate skin exclusively designed for the renowned Samira.

What Champions Will Receive Skins in 2023?

In 2023, Riot plans to ensure that several champions, who have been waiting for a long time, receive fresh skins on the rift.

  • Aurelion Sol has received updates in the League of Legends Patch 13.8.
  • In League of Legends Patch 13.18, there are some updates made to Dr. Mundo.
  • In League of Legends Patch 13.4, Ivern received some changes.
  • In League of Legends Patch 13.7, Kled receives updates.
  • In the 13.6 update of League of Legends, there are changes made to the character Kalista.
  • In League of Legends Patch 13.16, Shyvana receives some changes.
  • In League of Legends Patch 13.8, a new skin called Inkshadow is introduced for the champion Udyr.

Riot Meddler and Riot Brightmoon made it clear in the recent Dev Blog that they aim to prioritize champions who have been neglected in terms of skins. We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Mundo is finally getting some attention after a significant visual overhaul. It has been quite some time since Riot last blessed the Madman of Zaun with a new skin.

What Skin Thematics Will Riot Release in LoL Season 13?

Riot plans to revive the Cats vs. Dogs skin line for 2023, a popular April Fools’ theme. Kled is expected to be part of this lineup, as evidenced by the previewed splash art.

In addition, Riot has plans to unveil a brand new skin line infused with Fae Magic. Among the champions set to receive skins in this enchanting theme are Kalista and Karma, with the latter’s conceptual artwork already disclosed.

We have received confirmation about a highly anticipated summer event set to take place in the middle of 2023. It is highly probable that we will be introduced to an entirely new collection of summer-themed skins during this event. Therefore, we can expect something fresh and exciting instead of the typical Pool Party or similar themes. Let’s eagerly await the creative ideas the Skins Team has in store for us!

Will We Receive MSI Skins in 2023?

This is quite intriguing! In their latest Dev Update, Riot has unveiled details about the upcoming skin themes in 2023. The Mid-Season Invitational, an important international event in League of Legends esports, is set to commence in May. Riot Meddler shared that the team is actively engaged in “exploring new themes” for future endeavors.

Is it possible that we might get MSI-themed skins to commemorate the second-largest esports event of the year? Considering we have received skins like Worlds Azir before, why not celebrate the Mid-Season Invitational with some fashionable skins?

How Many Skins Will Riot Release in 2023?

In 2022, our collection expanded by nearly 140 skins, matching the count from the previous year. This leads us to anticipate a similar range of 130 to 140 skins in 2023! As they have been consistently launched every two weeks, and with a minimum of three or more skins introduced per update, we have every reason to be excited about the abundance of fresh appearances awaiting us.

Prestige skins are back in 2023! | © Riot Games

Which Prestige Skins Have Been Released in 2023?

In 2023, Prestige skins are set to make a grand return. Building upon the enhancements made by the skins team in 2022, the prestige thematic has been further elevated with innovative concepts, ensuring an even more exclusive experience.

Skin Line Champion Release Date LoL Patch
Mythmaker Mythmaker Sivir Prestige Edition January 11, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1
Porcelain Porcelain Lissandra Prestige Edition January 26, 2023 LoL Patch 13.1b
Broken Covenant Broken Covenant Miss Fortune Prestige Edition March 8, 2023 LoL Patch 13.5
Faerie Court Faerie Court Katarina Prestige Edition March 23, 2023 LoL Patch 13.6
Inkshadow Inkshadow Yasuo Prestige Edition May 4, 2023 LoL Patch 13.9
DRX DRX Aatrox Prestige Edition June 2, 2023 LoL Patch 13.11
Soul Fighter Prestige Soul Fighter Pyke July 19, 2023 LoL Patch 13.14
Soul Fighter Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco August 3, 2023 LoL Patch 13.15
Immortal Journey Immortal Journey Sona Prestige Edition August 17, 2023 LoL Patch 13.16
La Ilusión La Ilusión Renata Glasc Prestige Edition September 28, 2023 LoL Patch 13.19

LoL Mythic Shop: What Skins Are Available?

Due to the underwhelming response from players regarding the perceived lack of distinctiveness and uniqueness in Hextech skins, Riot has made the decision to introduce ‘seasonal mythics’. These mythics will feature a yearly rotating theme, offering a collection of exceptional skins exclusively available in the mythic shop.

Additionally, you will have the opportunity to acquire previously released prestige skins. In the event that you were unable to play during a certain timeframe and missed out on obtaining a prestige Arcade Caitlyn skin, you will now have the chance to obtain it from the mythic shop. This shop will feature a monthly rotation of available prestige skins.

What Are Mythic Chromas?

Riot has introduced new mythic content through the launch of the Mythic Shop. Among the latest additions is the mythic chroma, a fresh chroma option available for either a Seasonal Mythic skin or a legendary skin that was released earlier. These chromas offer a revamped color scheme for the champion along with new visual effects (VFX).

In 2023, you can look forward to more skins being added to the mythic shop for you to enjoy and purchase. These new skins will also come with Mythic Chromas, which can be acquired for 40 Mythic Essence.

Contributions by

  • Lasse Lindner

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