ChampionsLeague of Legends

Hottest Female LoL Champions

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10. Samira

She’s essentially similar to Katarina, except she possesses a slightly more intimidating presence, and I genuinely fear she would harm me if I complimented her on her attractiveness. However, I must admit, she does indeed look hot. | © Riot Games

9. Ashe

Hopefully, Ashe’s hands are not as cold as her appearance, to ensure she doesn’t freeze, of course. | © Riot Games

8. Irelia

Irelia stands out uniquely in her own league. The impeccable redesign by Riot Games has truly showcased her stunning beauty. Personally, I would give her a perfect score of 10/10.

7. Renata Glasc

Sure, we only have one word for her, and that is ‘mommy’. She possesses an alluring and captivating aura in a mature and powerful manner, and we fully embrace and appreciate it. | © Riot Games

6. Caitlyn

Once upon a time, Caitlyn was the go-to champion for everyone. Oh, how I long for those days to return! I truly miss catching glimpses of her in the game. | © Riot Games

5. Katarina

Isn’t it appealing to be killed by a gorgeous lady? | © Riot Games

4. Nidalee

Do you have a preference for Nidalee because of an affinity towards animals? If that’s the case, I must confess… I do too. | © Riot Games

3. Ahri

The alluring tone of her voice alone drives you into a frenzy, and her irresistible appearance only intensifies it. Undoubtedly, she is one of the most attractive champions that League of Legends has to offer. | © Riot Games

2. Evelynn

She possesses several skins that intensify your fascination, but her default skin with the original voice lines suffices for us to include her in this category. She is undeniably one of the most attractive champions, deliberately designed by Riot Games to exude such allure… Apologies, but I must depart now to indulge in playing as Eve. | (© Riot Games)

1. Miss Fortune

Is there anyone better than Miss Fortune to claim the top spot? She’s the most attractive champion in the game and she’s equipped with a lot of firepower… literally, ammunition to be exact. | © Riot Games


We’ve previously discussed the most attractive female skins in LoL, but we have failed to mention the hottest female champions. This is quite unfortunate. However, today we will rectify that mistake. Let’s explore some of the most alluring champions that League of Legends has to offer. These extraordinary ladies will captivate you, enticing you to play them not just for their strategic value, but for their irresistible charm as well.

Get ready for more LoL galleries to quench your thirst!

  • The Coolest 10 Male Skins in League of Legends
  • The list of the 10 most attractive female LoL skins

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