
Overwatch 2 – The Best Counters For Each Hero In Season 4

Overwatch 2 – The Best Counters For Each Hero In Season 4

Many players underestimate the importance of countering with the appropriate heroes in Overwatch 2. To simplify this process, we have compiled a list of the best counters for each hero in Overwatch 2, including the newest addition to season 4, Lifeweaver.

These are the best counters in Overwatch 2 | © Blizzard Entertainment

In Overwatch 2, it is not uncommon for players to face situations where they feel trapped or overwhelmed by the opposing team. However, it is important to note that this predicament may not always be attributed to your own skill or your team’s performance. More often than not, the root of the issue lies in your team’s choice of heroes against the enemy. To assist you in selecting the appropriate counter against formidable opponents, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the most effective heroes to counter each individual in Overwatch.

Overwatch 2 – The Best Counters For Each Hero

It can often be quite difficult to find a suitable counter for a strong opponent, especially when time is of the essence. Instead of wasting valuable gameplay experimenting with numerous heroes and accumulating unnecessary deaths, why not consult this list right from the beginning? Simply refer to the left column to find the hero you wish to eliminate and discover the best character to choose.

Best Tank Counters

Tank Hero Best Counters
D.Va Road Hog, Junk Rat, Sombra
Doomfist Tracer, Pharah, Genji, Reaper, Echo
Junker Queen Mei, Bastion, Zenyatta, Orisa
Orisa Zarya, Junkrat, Reaper, Zenyatta
Ramattra Roadhog, Sombra, Bastion, Ana
Reinhardt Reaper, Bastion, Pharah, Junkrat
Roadhog Ana, Widowmaker, Reaper
Sigma Orisa, Reaper, Genji, Reinhardt
Winston Roadhog, Moira, Junkrat, Roadhog
Wrecking Ball Sombra, Reaper, Bastion
Zarya Pharah, Sombra, Zenyatta, Bastion
The best counters for every hero | © Blizzard Entertainment

Best Damage Counters

Damage Hero Best Counters
Ashe Widowmaker, Reinhardt
Bastion Ana, Roadhog, Junkrat
Cassidy Winston, Bastion, Ana
Echo D.Va, Widowmaker, Sojourn, Sombra
Genji Lucio, Winston, Pharah, Brigitte
Hanzo Genji, D.Va, Widowmaker
Junkrat Pharah, Echo, Widowmaker
Mei Pharah, Widowmaker
Pharah D.Va, Widowmaker
Reaper Widowmaker, Pharah, Hanzo
Sojourn Winston, Zarya, Lucio, Tracer
Sodier 76 Widowmaker, Roadhog, Winston, Sigma
Sombra Hanzo, Ana, Junkrat
Simmetra D.Va, Winston, Pharah
Torbjörn Pharah, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ana
Tracer Winston, Roadhog, Torbjörn
Widowmaker D.Va, Winston, Reinhardt

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Best Support Counters

Support Hero Best Counters
Ana D.Va, Widowmaker, Tracer
Baptiste D.Va, Genji, Roadhog, Doomfist
Brigitte Bastion, Widowmaker
Kiriko Widowmaker, Pharah, Reaper
Lucio Winston, Symmetra, Pharah, Torbjörn
Mercy D.Va, Widowmaker, Winston, Roadhog
Moira Widowmaker, D.Va
Zenyatta Sombra, Widowmaker, Junker Queen
Lifeweaver D.Va, Winston, Genji, Echo

With this list, I hope you can turn the tide in your next game. And in case it doesn’t work out, remember that your lack of skill is definitely not the reason for your loss… just kidding!

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